She Persisted, The Musical

Name: Linda Gross Theater
Address: 336 West 20th Street, New York, NY 10011
Production Information
First performance date: February 22, 2020
Opening date: February 22, 2020
Closing date: March 8, 2020
External Links: Official Website

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Production Description
In this musical retelling, fourth-grader Naomi’s field trip to a Women’s History Museum turns into a time travel adventure where she encounters inspirational women you may know overcoming barriers and making history. A rallying cry for all of those tiny feminists, mini activists and little ones ready to take on the world, one dream at a time! Recommended for children 5+ but welcomes kids of all ages.
Opening Night Credits

Production Credits
Person/Company Credit
Atlantic Theater Company Producer
Chelsea Clinton Original Author
Deborah Wicks La Puma Music
Adam Tobin Script & Lyrics
MK Lawson Director
MK Lawson Choreographer
Alexandra Boiger Illustration Art
Boneau/Bryan-Brown Press Representative
Philomel Books Publisher

Actor Role
Auberth Bercy Ruby Bridges/Bailey
Jianzi Colón-Soto Sonia Sotomayor/Juno
Amanda Corday Dr. Virginia Apgar/Sally Ride
Amber Jaunai Naomi
Cynthia Nesbit Harriet Tubman/Florence Griffith-Joyner
Heather Sawyer Ms. Chan/Time
Closed early due to COVID-19 pandemic.