Cast of Characters

Name: Cherry Lane Theatre
Address: 38 Commerce Street, New York, NY 10014
Production Information
Number of performances: 159
Opening date: May 5, 1982
Closing date: June 20, 1982
Opening Night Credits

Production Credits
Person/Company Credit
William Bixby Jr. Producer
Abigail Franklin Producer
Edwin W. Schloss Producer
Morton Dauwen Zabel Original Author
William Bixby Jr. Adaptation
David Kaplan Adaptation
Patrizia Norcia Adaptation
Steven Lutvak Original Music
David Kaplan Director
Dunya Ramicova Costume Designer
Stuart Duke Lighting Designer
Fred Nathan Company Press Representative
Eileen McMahon Press Representative
Louis Sica Press Representative
Nora Peck Production Stage Manager

Actor Role
Patrizia Norcia N/A