Baby Wants Candy

Name: SoHo Playhouse
Address: 15 Vandam Street, New York, NY 10013
Production Information
First performance date: January 8, 2011
Opening date: January 8, 2011
Closing date: April 30, 2011
Production Description
Baby Wants Candy begins with the cast asking the audience for a suggestion of a musical that has never been performed before. Accompanied by a full band the first title that the group hears becomes the title and theme for that evening's 60 minute show. Every performance is improvised and unique.
Opening Night Credits

Production Credits
Person/Company Credit
Steve Jabas Musician
Johnny Pisano Musician
Jody Shelton Musician
Al Veteri Musician

Actor Role
Becky Drysdale N/A
Peter Gwinn N/A
Jeff Hiller N/A
Thomas Middleditch N/A
Stuart Ranson N/A