Tea Party / The Basement

Name: Eastside Playhouse
Address: 334 East 74th Street, New York, NY 10021
Production Information
Number of performances: 147
Opening date: October 15, 1968
Closing date: March 16, 1969
Production Description
Two one act plays by Harold Pinter.
Opening Night Credits

Production Credits
Person/Company Credit
Henry Jaffe Producer
Richard Lee Marks Producer
Harold Pinter Playwright
James Hammerstein Director
Ed Wittstein Set Designer
Deidre Cartier Costume Designer
Neil Peter Jampolis Lighting Designer
Alan Eichler Press Representative
Frank Goodman Press Representative
Ian Cadenhead Production Stage Manager

Actor Role
Margo Ann Berdeshevsky1 Jane
Bert Bertram2 Father
David Dario2 Waiter
June Emery2 Diana
David Ford2 Sisson
Valerie French2 Wendy
Darel Glaser2 John
Hazel Jones2 Mother
Michael Kearney2 Tom
James Ray1 Stott
Rose Roffman2 Lois
Paul Sparer2 Disley
John Tillinger2 Willy
Ted van Griethuysen1 Law

1The Basement.
2Tea Party.
Replacement Credits

Actor Role
Hildy Brooks1 Wendy
Jeffrey Edmond1 John
John Hamburger1 Waiter
Riley Mills1 Tom
Richard Neilson1 Sisson
David Sage1 Disley
Manfred Taron1 Waiter
Ed Zimmermann1 Willy

1Tea Party.